.. Python-Fitbit documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Mar 14 18:51:57 2012. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Overview ======== This is a complete python implementation of the Fitbit API. It uses oAuth for authentication, it supports both us and si measurements Quickstart ========== If you are only retrieving data that doesn't require authorization, then you can use the unauthorized interface:: import fitbit unauth_client = fitbit.Fitbit('', '') # certain methods do not require user keys unauth_client.food_units() Here is an example of authorizing with OAuth 2.0:: # You'll have to gather the tokens on your own, or use # ./gather_keys_oauth2.py authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit('', '', access_token='', refresh_token='') authd_client.sleep() Fitbit API ========== Some assumptions you should note. Anywhere it says user_id=None, it assumes the current user_id from the credentials given, and passes a ``-`` through the API. Anywhere it says date=None, it should accept either ``None`` or a ``date`` or ``datetime`` object (anything with proper strftime will do), or a string formatted as ``%Y-%m-%d``. .. autoclass:: fitbit.Fitbit :private-members: :members: Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`