
This is a complete python implementation of the Fitbit API.

It uses oAuth for authentication, it supports both us and si measurements


Here is some example usage:

import fitbit
unauth_client = fitbit.Fitbit('<consumer_key>', '<consumer_secret>')
# certain methods do not require user keys

# You'll have to gather the user keys on your own, or try ./fitbit/gather_keys_cli.py <con_key> <con_sec> for development
authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit('<consumer_key>', '<consumer_secret>', resource_owner_key='<user_key>', resource_owner_secret='<user_secret>')

Fitbit API

Some assumptions you should note. Anywhere it says user_id=None, it assumes the current user_id from the credentials given, and passes a - through the API. Anywhere it says date=None, it should accept either None or a date or datetime object (anything with proper strftime will do), or a string formatted as %Y-%m-%d.

Indices and tables